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8th Limb of Yoga

What is the goal of Yoga?

The Goal of yoga is to find happiness and contentedness. Everything we learn and every technique we practice in Yoga is to remove the constrictions of our negative thought patterns, samskaras and karma so that we can find beauty in each moment and lasting santosha. This is Ananda, this is Bliss. â€‹



Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. To know this we begin to understand bliss. If our inner realm is fearful of not being good enough for example, we project our outer world to be to be strangely incapable of supporting our needs. When our inner world feels compassion for life as we know it, our outer world knows no boundaries on helping one another in times of crisis, as the universe conspires to unite us with kindness as the life force that runs through all sentient beings. There is a movement going on at the beginning of the 21st century. This movement is the awakening to divine consciousness. Some cultures never moved away from this knowledge that we are one with creator or spirit but others have become so engrossed with their fear of not having enough that they have forgotten the way of Blissfulness, the way of Universal consciousness, the way of Christ consciousness. This consciousness is awake and aware at all times to the belief that each one of us, every sentient life form is as sacred as life itself. And after our time on Earth in our physical form, we will return to a united form of perfectness, wholeness and completeness. Until we reincarnate again to heal and make amends for our past karma.


The culmination of all the practices of yoga can and will, someday bring you to a state of bliss; Ananda, ananda, ananda. A bliss in which we are one with life in all its forms; laughter, joy, sadness, pain including all our karmic proclivities. To see the workings of our mind in these forms allows bliss in knowing the mind is rather dim like the news channel during an economic crisis. But that is just the mind! We are not our mind. Neti, neti, neti! And in the same light, to see our karmic proclivities as the opportunity, not curse, but opportunity to learn about our incarnation of this lifetime and then make a Kriya; a volitional action to think a new thought, to do life differently this time. It is never too late!! The aha feeling of mindfully and volitionally choosing to do something that creates a more spiritually alive environment in which to heal and mature is exhilarating and one of Bliss, Ananda!!


How many people do you know make daily conscious choices to further themselves on the path to spiritual maturity? Not many, because we have become asleep. But when you begin to become self aware and universally conscious, life’s choices become so simple, KISMIF; keep it simple make it fun! This is Ananda, This is Bliss. Sure, we still have to work a job to have a roof over our head, and we seemingly have to fight to have our values not compromised by our governing body, but if you truly believe that the universe conspires to help you achieve your goals that are inline with spiritual success and happiness, then start listening to the universe. Put down your cell phones, shut off the TV news and listen to the water, listen to the wind, watch for the symbols as the street signs on your map quest through life. Become one with the conspiring of life! Not the conspiring of our government or your neighbor, but Life. Keep it simple, make it fun and find bliss in your life today, tomorrow and the next day!!


Make it a kriya!! Experience, learn, love, pray, be in nature, be nature, listen to the wind, be the wind, the water, the ether! If I am the ether, I will make sure the thoughts that I create and put out into the ether are kind and healing. Aham Brahmasmi; I am the Creator. I am the creator of all that is good, kind and blissful. Ananda!! Ananda!! Ananda!!


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