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The Chakra Meditation takes you on a journey through your chakras and gives light to the nature and element of each chakra. Just sit in a comfortable seat or laying down with your spine aligned. Move through your chakras, starting at the base of the spine and up to the intuitive center. Rest your awareness at each chakra or as long as you like and begin to feel the energy of the chakra. Notice if any symbols arise or any thoughts arise. Be curious about what arises but not judgmental. There is no right or wrong. If what arises takes you into a story or monkey mind, when you notice that just gently pull yourself back to the breath and to your chakra center. If a thought keeps coming up or a strong emotion, make a mental note to reflect on that at some point. End with a few Kriya Rotations. Om Shanti

Chakra MeditationDeb Newton
00:00 / 13:41
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