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Come out of your meditatioin practice gently and slowly.

It is nice to bring yourself out of meditation slowly and intentionally by just bringing your awareness back to the body with a couple deep breaths. And then just as you would wish a person farewell and thank them for their kindness before parting from them, you could end your meditation with some kind of simple salutation. It could be as simple as Namaste or Om shanti. You could give thanks for the insights and clarity that your meditation brought to you. The point is try to move slowly from one conscious state back to the physical world and to do so with ritual or intentional action. This way you can gently bring your meditation life into your daily living life. That is important and that is the goal! My Spiritual teacher, Goswami Kriyananda would say "All Life is sacred." It is not good enough to sit in calm on the meditation cushion and then go out and cuss at your neighbor. The goal of meditation is to find tranquility and happiness in your meditation, then in your daily living and then go share that happiness to others just by being you!!

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