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Game Changer Skills


Game Changer Skills are practices that we can do in the moment to change the direction of our thoughts, attitudes, words and actions. When our mind is on auto pilot, it repeats the same things over and over again; chitta-mind stuff. We don't even realize that we do this. And many people wonder why our mind always goes to the negative. And if our mind goes to the inharmonious, our tongue will follow. Our mind goes to the negative because we are in default mode. And if you think real hard, I am sure you can come up with how we got our default modes. I will give you a hint as to one of them: TV and Social Media! So in order to create more positive grooves in the mind, we have to find new default modes; in SR we have what we call game changer skills. What we are trying to do is to stop the momentum of the negative  thought forms and change the direction of our thoughts, words and actions. We learn these skills throughout the teachings and within the meetings. They are also outlined here:

  • Om Shanti: Stop the momentum of chitta (mind stuff) by repeating Om Shanti or just Shanti. When you notice your mind wandering with negativity or old or false stories, replace those thoughts with Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. As you are chanting shanti, you are also sending out showers of peace!



  • Breathe: One Breath Meditation or 6:3:6 Breathing can be used also when your mind is wandering about. The breath can also be used as a transition from one task to another. Before you take your work life home... Before you go to bed... Before you react to others based on your emotions... Before you speak your thoughts... Before you let yourself relax into the present moment...



  • See the good in others: The surest way to soften your own Karma is to acknowledge the good in others. Seeing the good in others can be an antidote in judging others and giving yourself others the space to heal. Remember thoughts are just as powerful as words. When you are thinking negative thoughts about another you are creating negative karma. Plant the seeds you want to grow. If you want to be seen, see others. If you want a life of peace, be peaceful. 



  • Genesha: Ask for help. Ganesha please sweep clear my path of anger that I might see light and compassion. Ganesha please remove the constant mind stuff so that I might see clearly what it is I need to do. â€‹



  • Develop Listening Skills. It can be exhausting to talk all the time. And talking all the time scatters your life force energies. Your relationships will change when you begin to deeply listen to others instead of talking at others most the time. And this includes yourself. Start or deepen the practice of listening to your body. When you have the practice of listening, it will be there for you when you most need it. 



  • Neti, Neti, Neti. When you realize that your mind is running the show say these words; Neti, neti, neti. This says to the mind "I am not thought, thought is not me, I am not thought at all." This is a powerful technique to bring yourself back to self-awareness. 



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