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Glossary of Sanskrit
Words or Phrases

Aham Brahmasmi - I am the creator of my life; I am the architect of my own destiny.

Ajna Chakra, Third Eye Chakra or Intuitive center. 

Ananda - Bliss of Santosha

Asana - 4th Limb of Yoga: Hatha Yoga or the physical postures of Yoga. 

Chitta - The fluctuations of the mind. Mind stuff. Mind chatter.

Dharana - 6th Limb of Yoga: Concentration with effort. 

Dhyana - 7th Limb of Yoga: Meditation or concentration without effort. 

Karma - Law of cause and effect. If you plant corn, corn will grow in your garden.

Kriya - Volitional Action

Muladhara Chakra - Root Chakra or the first chakra at the base of the spine.

Nadis - The paths in our body that carry Prana; life force energies.

Neti, Neti, Neti - I am not thought, thought is not me, I am not thought at all. 

Niyamas - 2nd Limb of Yoga: Moral observances to aid in a strong moral core.

Prana - Life Force Currents that run through our physical body. 

Pranayama - 3rd Limb of Yoga: Breath Control and Distribution of Prana.

Pratyahara - 5th Limb of Yoga: Sense Withdrawal.

Samadhi - 8th Limb of Yoga: Bliss! Ananda! Union with Universal Consciousness. 

Samskara - Grooves in the mind. Some of our negative thought patterns have created grooves in the mind. And these grooves become our default mode. 

Santosha - Contentment

Shanti - Peace that really happens internally. 

Sun Center - Sixth Chakra at the mid brain also known as Ajna Chakra, Third Eye Chakra or Intuitive center. 

Tarka - Reflection; What did I do externally, what did I do internally. One can do tarka mentally or with journaling. 

Yamas - 1st Limb of Yoga: Behaviors to restrain from to acquire moral integrity. 

Yantra - also referred to as Mandala is a sacred and spiritual symbol characterized by geometrical and symmetrical forms to induce the essence of the symbol. 

Yetna -  Doing for the pure joy of doing without attachment to any rewards for doing and without attachment to any expectations.


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