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The Object of Beauty Meditation is one of the techniques to bring more Prana into the body. It is a beautiful meditation. Sit or lay in comfortable position. Begin by becoming aware of the breath moving through you. Then let an image appear at the intuitive or sun center of an object that is beautiful to you and brings you joy. Locate that feeling state of joy in your body and let it expand. Let it expand and deepen and then see if you can let go of the object that got you that feeling state and just meditate on the feeling state. When you lose the feeling state, just bring into the minds eye the object to again gather and enjoy the feeling state!

From here you could let that feeling state expand everywhere in the body, or you could direct the feeling state of joy to a place in your body that is hurting or weak. This would be expanding the prana in the body. You could also send that joyful energy outward to someone in need or to your community. With this last technique, knowing that this joy and lifeforce is a constant source available to you. 

Namaste. Thanks for sharing your vibration!

Object of Beauty Meditation
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