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Vipassana Meditation: Vipassana means to see things as they really are. Sitting in a comfortable position so that your body is happy and you can move your awareness inward, begin to watch the breath move through you. Notice that the body expands and contracts on its own with the movement of the breath. Feel the movement of the body as the breath comes into the body and then moves out of the body. Start to notice that the person that is aware of your body breathing is a more subtle being than the person that is moving, expanding and contracting, with the breath. While you are watching the breath, thoughts will come into your consciousness. Can you see these thoughts as passing clouds in a clear blue sky allowing them to pass on through your consciousness without attaching to them? Vipassana involves observing your thoughts and emotions as they are, without judging or dwelling on them. But the untrained mind will do just that. Stories will come up, judgment and then more stories. When you become aware that you have moved away from the meditation and moved into the storyline, mentally say neti, neti, neti which means 'I am not thought, I am not thought, thought is not me.' Then move your awareness back to the breath moving through your body. This is going to happen a lot at first but each time you say neti, neti, neti and  bring the mind back to the body breathing, the mind learns to quiet. Try not to get discouraged. It takes practice, practice, practice, to train the mind. The rewards will be forever fulfilling! When the mind becomes quiet, you can see more clearly. You can see life as it really is and not from a constant wave of thought patterns. When you are ready to come out of meditation, bring your awareness back to the room you are in and have acknowledgement of the goodness of the practice. 

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